27 сентября 2016 г.

Banki.ru: LOCKO-Bank entered TOP-50 of Russian banks by media rating in August 2016

The company “Medialogia” specifically for Banki.ru ranked Russian banks by media rating in August 2016. LOCKO-Bank took 41st position demonstrating the sociability and professionalism of the Bank’s press service to the media.

MediaIndeks is used as a basis for constructing the rating, i.e. an aggregate measure of bank’s visibility in the media. It reflects not only the quantitative, but also qualitative presence of the company in the information field and depends on the influence of media, the visibility of the message, the intensity of the object reference, quotation, conflict and character of references in the media and other parameters.

As a reminder, LOCKO-Bank entered the annual ranking of the most cited Russian banks for the first time at the end of 2015 and took 38th position in the media rating of banks, which was ranked by the company "Medialogia".

Rating is based on the media database of media monitoring and analysis system "Medialogia", which includes more than 30,000 sources, including TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, news agencies, online media and blogs. Rating included all banks operating in the Russian Federation. Realized PR-strategy of LOCKO-Bank and the efforts of the Press Service satisfied expectations: LOCKO-Bank was #134 by media rating in 2013, #68 in 2014, and #38 in 2015. As a result, the bank has increased by 96 points in this ranking for two years.

All key publications in the media with LOCKO-Bank’s expert comments are available on the Bank's website in section "Bank in media."