17 июля 2012 г.

LOCKO-Bank bonds are included in quotation list “A”

Securities of the issuers meeting the most strict stock exchange requirements are included in quotation list “A”. At the moment it lists the bonds of about 30 Russian issuing banks. In the opinion of Dmitry Kryukov, Chairman of the Management Board of CB LOCKO-Bank (CJSC) – “the upgrade to A1 quotation list is a proof of high level of corporate governance, transparency and financial sustainability of LOCK-Bank’s business. Being listed in quotation list A1 is a new step in the Bank's development as an issuer which will allow us to expand investors base through the funds of pension funds and insurance companies which may only work with safe securities included in quotation list "A1” of the exchange.” CB LOCKO-Bank (CJSC) bonds 05 series for 2,5 bn roubles were placed in July 2010 for 5 years. CB LOCKO-Bank (CJSC) 5 years exchange bonds BO-01 series at nominal value 2.5 bn roubles were placed in February 2011. Both issues are included in CBR Lombard List.