23 мая 2012 г.

LOCKO-Bank Positions in Banki.ru and RBC ratings

LOCKO-Bank is No. 14 in “People’s Rating” of Bank.ru and No. 33 in RBC rating “The Most Retail Bank in 2011". Competitive positions of the Bank in RBC ratings of credit institutions offering their clients full range of banking services are supported by favourable opinion of Bank’s clients.

Retail banking is one of the priority areas of LOCKO-Bank. The Bank entered retail banking market in 2010 and by early 2011 demonstrated the results which allowed it to take competitive positions in the ratings of Russia's retail banks. Throughout 2011 the Bank continued to develop retail business with focus on retail lending by:

  • consistently improving lending conditions;
  • launching new credit products and bank cards;
  • simplifying credit application process and improving the technology of loan receipt;
  • improving quality of service.
    • These as well as other efforts of the Bank aimed at promotion of Bank's products among retails clients enabled the bank to improve its position in People's Rating at banki.ru. Over the last year LOCKO-Bank went up from No. 70 to No. 25. At the moment the Bank is No. 14 in the rating and continues to pay special attention to client’s feedback.

      The growth of positive client responses proves that Bank's position No. 33 in RBC rating of the Most Retail Banks in 2011 is well justified. The rating takes into account a number of indicators of major retail banking services: auto lending, mortgage lending, unsecured lending, services to financial cards holders and number of ATMs.