24 сентября 2018 г.

Retail loan portfolio of Locko-Bank grew by RUB 8.4 bn

Locko-Bank demonstrates active growth in the retail banking market. In early 2018, the bank issued loans in the amount of RUB 31.6 bn. The loans portfolio to individuals has grown by RUB 8.4 bn to RUB 40 bn.

The structure of the loan portfolio of the bank is dominated by consumer loans, their growth since the beginning of the year amounted to RUB 9.2 bn. At the same time, a very low level of risk was noted - less than 1.5% per annum. These indicators allow Locko-bank to maintain the leading position in the consumer lending market.

"The Bank pays special attention to the quality of the formed portfolio of consumer loans. On the basis of a long-term experience in the retail lending market a modern high-tech credit conveyor using the SAS RTDM platform has been created. This conveyor provides scaling and efficient work with various sales channels, automation of all decisions taken and selection of the optimal client segment for lending.

In addition to automatic procedures traditional underwriting is used, providing additional risk reduction without the need to request a large number of documents from the client, even for large loans. Generation of product proposals and structuring of credit transactions is carried out taking into account the individual needs of the client and the level of risk, which together provide the bank with the opportunity for successful competition and efficient operation in the premium segment of clients with applications for large amounts, "- said Irina Grigorieva, the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Locko-Bank.