The first Expert Council session was on 12 December 2013. In addition to major issues such as SME business support and upcoming events planning, members of the Council were chosen. Irina Loskutova, Deputy Chairman who is responsible for SME banking, became a member from LOCKO-Bank.
Irina Loskutova commented: “Work in the Council will be very useful for our bank, because the main purpose of its creation is to develop financial support for SME business, and LOCKO-Bank continues to be in Top SME lending banks for many years. Definitely, the Council will implement national policy of SME development in Russia, facilitate creation and improvement of legal environment that regulates this important segment of Russian business.”
SME Expert Council in Association of Regional Banks of Russia (Association "Russia") was established in autumn 2013 to develop financial and lending support for SME, and to improve communication system between banking institutions and SME business representatives.