LOCKO-Bank announces its consolidated Financial Statements for full year (FY) 2018 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as confirmed by auditors KPMG.
In 2018 LOCKO-Bank’s profit before tax amounted to RUB 2.3 bln and net profit - RUB 1.9 bln.
Net interest income showed an increase of 11.5% compared to the previous year and reached RUB 5.5 bln.
Net fee and commission income reached RUB 3.5 bln, up by 68.9% from the previous year.
Net interest margin remained stable at a high level and was 6.8% in 2018.
Operating income increased by 6.8% compared to FY2017 and amounted to RUB 8.5 bln.
The share of net fee and commission income in operating income increased to 41.1% compared to 26.0% for 2017.
Retail loan portfolio net of allowance for impairment in 2018 amounted to RUB 45.9 bln , an increase of 39.9%. The growth of the loan portfolio is a consequence of an increase in the incoming flow of loan applications as a result of the launch of federal advertising company, while maintaining a conservative approach to credit risk assessment. The high quality of the loan portfolio continues to be a priority for the Bank.
Review of LOCKO-Bank’s key financial indicators and ratios:
As for December 31, 2018 the Bank was represented by 48 branches in 21 economic regions of Russia.
Alexey Parfenenok, CFO commented:
“In 2018 LOCKO -Bank continued to focus on the tasks of business diversification and increasing the share of commission income, which is a consequence of the implementation of the client business strategy and maximization of income not related to credit receipt. The Bank pays attention to the transition to a new financial reporting standard IFRS 9, which allows for accurate consideration of credit risks and ensures transparency and predictability of business for bank customers, investors and shareholders. ”