6 марта 2014 г.

LOCKO-Bank Celebrates 20 Years of Business Performance

LOCKO-Bank celebrated 20 Years of its business performance in February 2014. Since its foundation the Bank has become an important player in the financial market: it is in Top-15 SME and in Top-15 in auto loans portfolio according to RBC ranking. The client base is more than 95,000 individuals and about 23,000 companies and individual entrepreneurs in many different sectors of the Russian economy. Business franchise is more than 60 outlets in 21 Russian regions.

For the last years LOCKO-Bank overcame crisis periods of 1998-1999 and 2008-2009. According to RSA as of 01.01.2014, LOCKO-Bank demonstrates significant financial performance: assets – more than RUB 81.6 bn., customer deposits – RUB 36.1 bn., deposits from individuals – about RUB 17 bn. Financial stability and credibility of the Bank approved by international rating agencies Moody's Investors Service (В2, Stable outlook) and Fitch Ratings (В+, Stable outlook).

Development strategy of LOCKO-Bank for 5 years focuses on active growth: the Bank plans to increase its business by 320% to 2018. Firstly, the Bank aims at keeping its leading positions in SME business, developing retail business, including mortgage and card products. An important strategic line is the development of modern technologies for client services. There are aims for the nearest future – functional internet banking, mobile banking, using remote access for client services. Such approach will allow creating long-run competitive advantages. Additionally, constant improving of service quality, creating of simple and appropriate financial decisions for every client continues to be in the Bank’s priorities.

Stanislav Boguslavsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors, comments:

“We created reliable and transparent business for the 20 years, demonstrating stable high-effectiveness and took an important position in the Russian financial system. Now LOCKO-Bank’s strategy focuses on the newest banking technologies and using the best practices, it will help us to develop key businesses successfully and provide business growth of the Bank (not less than in 3 times to 2018).”