LOCKO-Bank ranks among fifty-five Russian banks in terms of assets as of June 1, 2019, according to a rating published on the Kuap.ru portal. Good dynamics of assets allowed LOCKO -Bank to rise by 20 positions from 75th place from January 1, 2019, the volume of bank assets grew by 36%.
In addition, LOCKO-Bank entered the TOP-45 in terms of net profit, ranking 42 in the rating. The increase was 274% over the same period last year.
Starting the year 2019 with a stable result, the bank continues to focus on improving business efficiency, maintaining high asset quality. LOCKO-Bank seeks to strengthen relationships with customers through an omnichannel approach to services, end-to-end digitalization of processes, redefining the offer in digital format and advanced data analytics. The Bank continues to create an ecosystem of digital products and services that are provided in the “single window” mode on a reliable and customer-friendly technology platform.
The full rating can be found at the