8 мая 2020 г.

LOCKO-Bank entered the TOP-75 banks by assets: RIA Rating

LOCKO-Bank became one of the largest Russian banks in terms of assets, ranking 74th in the RIA Rating agency's rating as of April 1, 2020.

According to the research results, the dynamics of the assets of the Russian banking sector in the first quarter was quite good. According to the Central Bank of Russia, the volume of assets in the first three months increased in nominal terms by 8.2%. This was the best result in a quarter since the beginning of 2015. According to analysts, the main source of positive dynamics of assets in nominal terms in the first quarter of 2020 was the foreign exchange revaluation, the increase without foreign exchange revaluation was only 3.3%

RIA Rating research shows that in the first quarter of 2020, the volume of assets in nominal terms increased in 237 credit institutions or 55% of the total number of banks in the rating. For comparison, since 2015, the first quarter result has not exceeded 45%, and in 2018 and 2017 it was only 37% in each of the years. The growth in the share of banks with positive asset dynamics is explained by the support of the banking sector in terms of liabilities, and a significant increase in lending, as well as an increase in investments in liquid assets.

The rating includes 431 credit institutions in Russia with valid licenses as of May 8, 2020, for which reports are published on the website of the Central Bank of Russia, and data from open sources. The rating methodology provides for the aggregation of the turnover balance sheet data.

The full rating can be found here