29 августа 2012 г.

LOCKO-Bank increases auto loans portfolio

According to Frank Research Group loans portfolio went up 8,6% to 735 bn roubles in Russia over 1H 2012. Leading banks also observe positive growth rate. LOCKO-Bank is among 15 Russia’s leading banks on auto lending. As of 2012 year start auto loans portfolio went up by 30.1%, over 5 000 cars were been bought on loan. According to many rating agencies 2012 demonstrates record results on auto sales. “Stable growth of sales may be attributed to the growth of disposable income and new lending options. We continue to improve our product range and the quality of client services. As credit products become simpler and easier to use they become more popular among clients.” – comments Natalia Pshenichkina, Head of Retail Products of CB "LOCKO-Bank” (CJSC). For more details about LOCKO-Bank auto loans please visit Bank's offices or contact Call Centre at 8-800-250-50-50 (all calls within Russia are toll-free).