3 апреля 2012 г.

LOCKO-Bank made it to TOP-15 Russia’s best banks on auto lending

Retail lending was the priority area of business in 2011. According to RBC.Rating the Bank was No. 15 on auto lending with 8239 loans for total amount of 5111 roubles. LOCKO-Bank auto loans portfolio went up 205% in 2011. According to RBC.Rating over 2/3 of the number (5760 pcs) and the volume (3646 m roubles) of auto loans disbursed by LOCKO-Bank were loans for new cars. The Bank is ranked No. 14 on this indicator. At the same time the Bank was ranked No. 9 on the volume of loans for the purchase of second-hand cars (1465 m roubles, 2479 loans). Average car loan is around 630 000 roubles: borrowers come to the Bank when buying new foreign made economy car or second-hand business class car. In the first case the clients are prepared to make a down payment of around 25% of the price, in the second case they make a down payment of 40% or more of a car price. These the categories of borrowers LOCKO-Bank product range caters to, which offers the possibility to buy a foreign made new or second-hand car, or a new locally made car (including the option without comprehensive insurance). To learn more about lending terms please go to our website, visit our offices or call the Call-Centre at 8 (800) 250-50-50.