21 апреля 2011 г.

LOCKO-Bank positions in the rating on lending to SME segment

According to annual survey ‘Index of Favourable Credit Conditions for Small Business Development" LOCKO-Bank is No. 2 on the level of favourable credit conditions among Russia's banks.

According to RBC.Rating, LOCKO-Bank improved its positions on lending to SME segment. Last year the Bank extended 11 601 loans to SME segment which enabled it to become No. 5 in the ranking on this indicator. With more than 2.5 times growth of issued loans the Bank was able to move up one step and become No. 7 in the ranking "Largest Banks on Lending to SME segment in 2010”. The volume of issued loans amounted to 33,1 bn roubles. LOCKO-Bank is No. 12 on the volume of SME credit portfolio (17,6 bn roubles), which is 70% above the results as of January 1, 2010. Expert RA also confirms this data: LOCKO-Bank was No. 12 on SME portfolio in its ranking as well.

"The survey results prove that we are successfully working with SME segment" - says Igor Mishin, Head of SME Business Department. Our credit policy involves well-balanced and comprehensive evaluation of potential borrower; and existing products and those which are planned to be launched enable to meet all needs of small and medium sized businesses while maintaining the credit risks at required levels. As a result were are able to systematically develop our relationship with our existing clients and attract new borrowers".

At the moment LOCKO-Bank has 11 credit programs for SME segment including the most popular products such as lending for working capital financing and special purpose lending, and still rare at the Russian market – business mortgage lending and investment financing.