28 января 2014 г.

LOCKO-Bank Starts to Take Loan Applications under “SME-Stability” Program

LOCKO-Bank has decided to join the «SME-Stability» Program, which was provided by SME Bank to support entrepreneurs of the Kaliningrad Region, whose funds were blocked at Investbank accounts.

Under the joint program with SME Bank LOCKO-Bank will provide working capital loans and loans for other purposes. Loans maturity will be up to 1 year with the amount - up to RUB 150 million. In case the lending amount is up to RUB 10 million it is not required to guarantee loans by any assets. Interest rate under the «SME-Stability» Program will be up to 7% annually.

It is possible to send an application for «SME-Stability» loan today, contacting any LOCKO-Bank office in Kaliningrad or making request for a call at our website. For more information, please, visit www.lockobank.ru or call +7 (4012) 349-100.