Locko-Bank became a winner of the prestigious international award Global Banking & Finance Review Awards 2014 in the category of the most innovative Russian bank in the segment of small and medium-sized businesses -"Most Innovative SME Bank Russia 2014". The results of the award and the winners in various categories were published on the website Global Banking & Finance Review.
The winner was determined by the results of the analytical study and peer review based on the official reports of credit institutions, as well as additional information sources for more objective results. When analyzing, the bank's innovative approaches to the development of remote service channels, the development of product lines and services for SME businesses were taken into account.
Active support by Locko-Bank of SME business clients, the development of technological service for providing the performance bank guarantees throughout Russia remotely, has allowed Locko-Bank to take a leading position in these segments.
Irina Grigoreva, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, commented:
«It’s an honour for us to be among the winners of the international prize Global Banking & Finance Review Awards. SME segment is one of the key landmarks Locko-Bank’s strategy. During 2014 we have been able to realize one of the largest and most technologically advanced services – to provide the performance bank guarantees throughout Russia remotely. Through this project, the execution of state-guaranteed orders for small and medium enterprises becomes more accessible».
The award of Global Banking & Finance Review Awards has been held by the British financial Internet portal Global Banking & Finance Review since 2011. The portal audience is several million unique visitors a year, more than 10% of whom are users of the Russian Federation. The award of Global Banking & Finance Review Awards assigned to financial institutions of different levels all over the world who demonstrate innovative solutions and outstanding achievements in the industry.