11 февраля 2016 г.

Locko-Bank is among TOP 10 banks by customer service

Locko entered TOP 10 Russian banks by the level of customer service according to the "Annual Championship - 2015" published by Banki.ru.

People's rating, within which "The annual championship" is held, based on positive and negative customer reviews left on Banki.ru about the quality of banking services, credit organizations and their employees. Also people's rating takes into account speed of responses on customers’ feedbacks, encouraging banks to respond promptly to the complaints, which in turn leads to better service in banking sector.

LOCKO took the 7th position in ‘Premier League’ in total ‘People’s rating’ which confirms the high efficiency of client-oriented approach and quality system procedures implemented in Bank. In 2014 as the result of such annual championship LOCKO took 19th place in the ‘First League’. Thus, Bank has managed to improve its position in ranking by 62 notches up for the year.

"We highly appreciate the trust of our customers and always try to respond promptly to their feedback and complaints, correcting flaws in our work and improving the quality of internal processes and services. We are strongly convinced that constructive dialog and swift assistance in problem resolution is the first step to long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation "- commented Ksenia Danilina, Head of human resource training and service processes assessment.