20 марта 2015 г.

Moody’s Updated Credit Opinion for LOCKO-Bank (2015)

Moody’s Investors Service rating agency published credit opinion for LOCKO-Bank. According to the document Moody’s assigned long-term global local and foreign-currency deposit ratings of B2, Baseline Credit Assessment (ВСА) of b2 and confirmed “Stable” outlook.

According to Moody’s Investors Service one of the main rating drivers is adequate liquidity profile. The agency notes LOCKO-Bank’s significantly below the local peer average borrower concentration and the long-standing participation of reputable foreign investors in its share capital which positively affects the bank's underwriting and risk management practices. Moreover, the bank’s capital of good quality is not immobilized by any significant investments in non-core assets or related-party lending.

Moody's Ratings for LOCKO-Bank:

  • Outlook Stable
  • Bank Deposits B2/NP
  • NSR Bank Deposits -Dom Curr A3.ru/--
  • Baseline Credit Assessment b2
  • Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment b2
  • Senior Unsecured -Dom Curr B2