8 февраля 2016 г.

Net Profit of Locko-Bank for 2015 comprised RUB 2.9 bn: Bank summarized preliminary financial result under RAS

Locko-Bank summarized preliminary year-end 2015 results in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards (RAS).

According to the preliminary figures of financial statements Net profit for 2015 showed a significant increase and amounted to RUB 2.9 bn, a 241% growth compared to 2014. LOCKO entered TOP-30 Russian banks ranking by volume of Net profit published by Banki.ru.

As of January 1, 2016 Total assets amounted to RUB 99.75 bn, a 26.2% growth to RUB 20.7 bn within a year. According to ‘Interfax’ rating agency LOCKO took 68th place among Russian banks in terms of assets at the end of 2015, improving its ranking by 12 positions up over the year.

Bank’s Equity also showed up the growth on RUB 2.62 bn and reached RUB 12.74 bn as of January 1, 2016, raised by 25.9% compared to 2014. Return on equity for the reporting period reached to 25.4% (annualized), up 16.6 pp compared to the same period last year.

Throughout 2015 Locko-Bank strictly complied with all required regulations of the Central Bank of Russia, maintaining a comfortable level of liquidity. Thus, the quick liquidity ratio H2 and H3 current liquidity ratio amounted to 140% and 159% respectively, which is far beyond the minimum required levels set by the Bank of Russia- 15% and 50%, respectively. Solid liquidity position allowed the Bank to buy back the shares of BO-02 bonds in the total amount of 1.38 billion rubles within public irrevocable offer in December 2015, performing its obligations to investors prior to maturity.

LOCKO-Bank’s regulatory ratios as of January 1, 2016:

  • Н1 – capital adequacy ratio – 14,28%;
  • Н2 – quick liquidity ratio 140,33%;
  • Н3 – current liquidity ratio 159,48%.

Preliminary results on January 1st, 2016 do not include EARD operations and can be adjusted by taking into account the results of the events after reporting date. Data for January 1, 2015 consider EARD.