23 февраля 2011 г.

United Financial and Leasing Company (OFLK) entered 50 largest leasing companies

According to Expert RA OFLK is number 49 among 100 Russian leasing companies with the turnover for 9 months 2010 around 80% of all leasing market (the survey did not cover the market share taken by the companies focused on redistribution of resources within holdings).

Key indicator of the survey is the volume of new business of leasing companies. “New business” is understood by the agency as the deals completed between January and September 2010 inclusive depending on which happened earlier: the purchase of equipment to be leased out under leasing agreement or receipt of advance payment of lessee (if advance payment does not equal zero). OFLK’s indicator is 891 m roubles. Current portfolio of the company amounts to 784 m roubles, leasing payments received for the first nine months 2010 amounted to 169 m roubles.

United Financial and Leasing Company was organised in 2002. In 2003 the Company was No. 84 among largest leasing companies in Russia (according to Expert RA). Company’s portfolio is mainly made of construction and transportation companies as well as trade companies. Leasing items are mainly auto vehicles and construction equipment.